A new system is born – Predictive Dementia Care

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New analysis offers insight and predictive assistance in dementia care

With decades of experience, the team at Alexys have developed a new way, a new idea, a new system:  Predictive Dementia Care or PDC for short. PDC is not based on guess work or fixed profiling that leads to alarm fatigue and resident confusion. PDC is individually tailored to each resident, based upon their activities of daily living (ADL). Whether a resident averages 5 minutes in the bathroom or 15, the system learns his or her normal activity and recommends alerts on real, quantifiable data.

For decades, night time dementia specific care has been based upon guess work and fixed behavioural profiles. If a resident broke an inflexible profile rule, a staff member would be notified and intervene. This often annoyed staff and residents alike, as the rule duration was usually too short. This methodology sometimes aids those who need it but often leads to nuisance calls and alarm fatigue. Staff do not know which residents are in need and which have unknowingly stepped outside their profile. Traditional technology has frustrated staff who have little say in the profiles that have been set.

PDC is the new way of assisting

Our PDC system aids proactive care. It ensures that what happens behind closed doors remains private but is captured if an intervention or assessment is needed. Staff can use real data – not guesswork – when a care plan change is required. This means your staff can achieve the best result while maintaining the utmost respect for the resident.

By collating big data, Alexys can identify changes in ADL and make proactive suggestions or even identify changes that may be temporary, where intervention is suggested.  A simple change in the resident’s habits, increasing bathroom frequency and duration from 3 visits of 5 minutes, to 6 visits of 15 minutes, is a significant shift in behaviour that could normally go unnoticed. This is now captured and the system would suggest an intervention or a change of care plan.

Alexys is a forward thinking technology developer, working in consultation with the Aged Care community. We are always developing new ideas but we are also able to service and maintain legacy systems. Our dedicated team is here to help, no matter what systems you currently operate. Our experience is our strength, with a team that is certified to work on most systems operating in Aged Care. We can assist with Nurse Call, DECT, CCTV, MATV, Paging, Wi-Fi, Duress and more.

For further information please contact us at enquiries@alexys.com.au or phone 1300 ALEXYS. We have local representatives ready to help with your technology needs.