Essential Communications Technology
Predictive Dementia Care

Alexys Predictive Dementia Care (PDC) System
Our PDC system aids proactive care. It ensures that what happens behind closed doors remains private but is captured if an intervention or assessment is needed. Staff can use real data – not guesswork – when a care plan change is required. This means your staff can achieve the best result while maintaining the utmost respect for the resident.
Product Description
It is acknowledged that no two people living with dementia are the same and accordingly every individual will have his or her unique care requirements.
For many years, night-time dementia specific care has largely been based upon guesswork and generalisations. Consequently, if a resident broke one of these inflexible profile rules, a carer would be notified and intervene.
Unfortunately, this approach to cognitive impairment care often led to nuisance calls which were annoying to both staff and residents alike, as the profile and subsequent rule duration was arbitrarily set based upon well-intentioned but imperfect knowledge.
Alexys PDC solutions are individually tailored to each resident, based upon their activities of daily living (ADL).
Whether a resident averages 5 or 15 minutes in the bathroom, the system recognises such abnormal activity then initiates an alert based on the resident’s predetermined rule settings.
Our PDC system aids proactive care. It ensures that what happens behind closed doors remains private but is captured if an intervention or assessment is needed. Staff can use real data – not guesswork – when a care plan change is required. This means your staff can achieve the best result while maintaining the utmost respect for the resident.
By setting a series of predetermined rules, any unusual resident activity, or habits, for example, time out of bed, room departure, restless movements are quickly identified, and appropriate intervention instigated. Without PDC such behavioural changes could easily go unnoticed, jeopardising resident safety.